Content Marketing for Small Business

Content is the cornerstone of any website and its performance. Understanding what your potential customers are looking for and want to engage with is critical if you want your website to compete.

And it isn’t just words on a page. It’s images, videos, tools, animations, podcasts and more.

Drilling down into the intent of a user’s search query, and matching that intent with relevant content, served to them in the right format, will help supercharge your brand’s online presence on search engines.

What you can expect from A small business Content marketing service


The Topics

Drilling down into the key questions and topic areas that your target audience is searching for, that are both directly and indirectly related to your business and service, will help you reach a wider range of people to communicate with. Ultimately helping your business grow.


The Media

Content doesn’t, and shouldn’t, have to be just written word. People search for, and consume, content in different formats, and we can explore the best options for you.

Examples could be blogs and articles, infographics, videos or podcasts.


The Content

Once you have your content, sometimes it just isn’t enough to expect people to stumble across it, or hunt it out, sometimes it needs a push.

Understanding different distribution channels will help reach your audience with the right message.

What’s Involved

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to content any more. Gone are the days of churning out, 400, 500 or even 800 word articles because “that’s the minimum length required”.

For Content Marketing to work, your content needs to be unique. It needs to be great. And it needs to be better than what your competitors are putting out there.

That’s what you’ll get from my Content Marketing Service. An approach that aligns to modern-day standards, futureproofing your brand for any SEO updates and throroughly researched and carefully crafted content.


Any Content Marketing Strategy worth its salt starts with awesome research.

This is where we find out who is looking for what, and how are they trying to find it.

What media is getting rewarded, and which competitors are doing it best.

Understanding this will help us create a long-term content plan to be put into action from Day 1.


If you’re passionate about doing your bit, and want to write the content yourself, that’s great!

Likewise, if you just don’t have the time, resources or expertise to regularly create content and do the strategy justice, I can help here too.

I have a degree in Multimedia Journalism, and content creation is my thing, so your content is in safe hands.

Packages & Rates

Nothing to see here.

I don’t offer set packages. I work with each individual client based on their specific needs, and we go from there to create a bespoke plan of action.

There’s no lock-in contracts, no fine print and no questions asked should you ever decide to call it quits. Dial up, dial down, whatever you need.

We’ll find out what’s mutually beneficial for us to work together, because that’s the best way to do business. If it’s right, it’s right. If it isn’t, no hard feelings!

The only thing I ask, is for 50% up-front payment and 50% after delivery.If you want to talk bugets, rates and your requirements, get in touch.

Not looking for Content? What about…

Search Engine Optimisation

Build your company’s visibility through organic seach on search engines.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Maximise your website’s potential by improving its conversion rate.